Welcome to Titan Effect!

Titan Effect is a tabletop role-playing game and a storyworld project set in a near-future where spies gifted with psychic powers clash with genetically enhanced soldiers, in a secret war in which the fate of human evolution is at stake.
Take on the role of a trained operative gifted with unique abilities. Carry out perilous missions worldwide for the clandestine organization known as the SPEAR, and fight against dangerous creatures and organizations. Try to survive long enough, and maybe you will make a difference.
You think you have what it takes to become an operative? Find out now!

Titan Effect RPG: Declassified Edition

Titan Effect RPG: Declassified Edition is the latest edition of Titan Effect: The Role-Playing Game.
This new book and interactive PDF contains upgraded character creation rules, new illustrations, revamped NPC stats, and more! Titan Effect RPG: Declassified Edition is compatible with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition and the Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion (SWADE).

Titan Effect RPG: Declassified Edition is available on DriveThruRPG and for Foundry VTT!


Titan Effect excels in blending espionage with superhuman capabilities, making it perfect for interactive storytelling.

Christian Mahnke CEO of EarReality

This is the best setting published for Savage Worlds and one of the best settings I have played in.

Robert T. DriveThruRPG.com Review

Amazing story and concepts! Well put together and just plain fun to read.

Brandon J Verhalen Star Anvil Studios

It’s like Mission: Impossible meets X-Men with a dash of Blade Runner added for flavour.

Tim Bisaillon

An awesome setting, beautiful art to match, well-written characters. Using the Savage Worlds mechanics, this RPG allows you to play a variety of psychics, mutants, espionage soldiers and more!!!

Jeff Ruiz
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